Dental Insurance That Covers Implants: Your Ultimate Guide

Dental implants have become a highly sought-after solution for replacing missing teeth, offering durability and a natural look. However, the cost of dental implants can be a significant consideration for many Australians. This guide will delve into how dental insurance that includes implant coverage can alleviate these costs, making it possible for you to obtain the dental care you require without bearing the financial strain.

Understanding Dental Implants

Before discussing the intricacies of dental insurance, let’s briefly discuss dental implants. Dental implants are synthetic tooth roots, typically crafted from titanium, that are implanted into the jawbone to anchor a dental crown, bridge, or denture. They’re considered the gold standard for replacing missing teeth due to their strength, stability, and ability to integrate with the bone, mimicking natural teeth.

The Cost of Dental Implants

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The cost of dental implants is a major consideration for individuals seeking to replace missing teeth. This expense can be attributed to several factors that contribute to the overall cost of the procedure. Understanding these factors can help patients prepare for the financial aspect of receiving dental implants.

Complexity of the Procedure

Dental implant procedures vary in complexity depending on the individual’s oral health status, the number of teeth needing replacement, and whether additional procedures, such as bone grafting, are required. The more complex the case, the higher the cost. For instance, replacing multiple teeth or performing extensive bone grafting to strengthen the jawbone before implantation adds to the overall expense.

Materials Used

The materials selected for the implant post, commonly titanium and the crown, typically ceramic or porcelain, are of premium quality and crafted to replicate the durability and aesthetic of natural teeth. The cost reflects the durability and aesthetic qualities of these materials, contributing to the implant’s longevity and natural look.

Dental Insurance Coverage for Implants

Major Dental Cover in Health Insurance

Many private health insurance policies in Australia offer major dental procedures, including more complex and expensive treatments such as dental implants. However, not all dental insurance policies include implants, so it’s crucial to check with your insurance provider.

Private Dental Insurance

Private dental insurance can be a valuable asset for covering part of the dental implants’ cost. It’s designed to reduce out-of-pocket expenses for dental treatments, including some forms of cosmetic dentistry like implants.

How Dental Insurance Coverage Works

Dental insurance covers a portion of the expenses related to dental care, encompassing significant dental procedures such as implant treatments. The specifics, such as the percentage covered and the maximum yearly limit, vary between health insurance policies.

Key Considerations for Dental Insurance That Covers Implants

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Waiting Periods

Most health insurance policies include waiting periods for major dental cover. This means you’ll need to have the insurance for a certain period before you can claim benefits for dental implant procedures.

Insurance Providers and Coverage Limits

Insurance providers offer various levels of coverage for dental implants, with some covering the implant procedure but not the crown, and others providing more comprehensive cover. Understanding these details is essential for minimising your out-of-pocket expenses.

Dental Savings Plans

An alternative to traditional dental insurance is dental savings plans, which offer discounts on dental services for an annual fee. These can sometimes provide savings on dental implants and related treatments.

Choosing the Right Dental Insurance for Implants

When selecting dental insurance that covers implants, it’s important to compare policies from different health insurance companies. Look for a policy with generous major dental cover, reasonable waiting periods, and clear information on what’s included in the coverage for dental implants.

The Dental Implant Procedure

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The dental implant procedure is a comprehensive approach to replace missing teeth, ensuring functionality and aesthetics. Here’s a condensed overview of the steps involved:

Initial Consultation

The process begins with an initial consultation, where a dentist evaluates the patient’s oral health and medical history to confirm their candidacy for dental implants. This includes dental X-rays or 3D images to assess the jawbone’s condition.

Treatment Planning

Based on the initial assessment, the dentist devises a customised treatment plan, which may involve bone grafting if the jawbone is inadequate to support the implant.

Insertion of the Titanium Implant

Under local anaesthesia, the titanium implant is surgically placed into the jawbone. Titanium’s biocompatibility allows it to integrate with the bone through osseointegration, a process that can take several months.

Healing and Osseointegration

During the healing period, the patient’s jawbone integrates with the implant, solidly anchoring it in position.

Abutment Placement

After osseointegration, an abutment is attached to the implant. This part serves as the connection point for the artificial tooth. In some cases, the abutment is placed simultaneously with the implant.

Placement of the Artificial Tooth

Custom-made artificial teeth, matching the patient’s natural teeth, are attached to the abutment, completing the implant procedure.

Follow-Up and Maintenance

Consistent follow-up appointments are crucial for the success of the implant and the overall health of your mouth. Maintaining diligent oral hygiene routines and making regular dental visits are essential to ensure both the implant and the surrounding tissues remain in prime condition.

This streamlined process, from consultation to follow-up emphasises the importance of each step in achieving a successful dental implant, restoring the patient’s smile and oral functionality.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are widely regarded as the premier solution for tooth replacement due to their unique advantages. These benefits not only enhance the aesthetic appearance of one’s smile but also contribute significantly to oral health and overall well-being. Here’s an elaboration on the key benefits of dental implants:

Prevention of Bone Loss

When teeth are lost, the jawbone in the empty space deteriorates over time due to lack of stimulation, which natural teeth roots provide. Dental implants replicate the role of natural tooth roots, stimulating the jawbone and averting bone deterioration. This is crucial not only for maintaining the jawbone’s shape and density but also for supporting the facial structure.

No Harm to Surrounding Teeth

Alternative tooth replacement options, like bridges, often require the alteration or reduction of adjacent healthy teeth to anchor the prosthetic. Dental implants eliminate this need, as they are directly anchored into the jawbone, preserving the integrity of surrounding natural teeth and preventing them from being compromised.

Durability and Reliability

Dental implants are designed for longevity. With diligent care and upkeep, encompassing rigorous oral hygiene routines and frequent dental examinations, implants have the potential to endure a lifetime. This positions them as a more enduring solution relative to alternatives such as dentures or bridges, which may necessitate occasional replacement.

Improved Oral Health

Beyond just filling gaps, dental implants contribute to better oral health. They assist in preserving the alignment of teeth by preventing them from moving into vacant spaces. This aids in improving bite and chewing efficiency and reduces the risk of issues like improper bite and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

Enhanced Comfort and Confidence

Dental implants are tailored to fit and function like natural teeth, providing comfort and stability that removable dentures cannot match. This eliminates common denture problems such as poor fit, gum irritation, and difficulty in speaking or eating. Implants allow individuals to enjoy their favourite foods without worry and speak confidently without fear of dentures slipping or making noise.

Natural Appearance

A key benefit of dental implants lies in their seamless integration with your existing teeth. Tailored to complement the colour and contour of your natural teeth, implants significantly improve the appearance of your smile. This customisation makes it challenging to differentiate between the implant and your real teeth, ensuring a natural and cohesive look.

No Special Care Required

Unlike dentures, which require special cleaning routines outside of normal brushing, dental implants can be cared for just like natural teeth. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, simplifying the care process and promoting overall oral hygiene.

Supports Overall Well-being

By enabling a more varied and nutritious diet, dental implants can also contribute to better overall health. Nutritional deficiencies often seen in those with significant tooth loss can be mitigated as implants allow for a diet that includes a wide range of foods.

In summary, dental implants offer a comprehensive solution that addresses both functional and aesthetic concerns associated with missing teeth. Their ability to prevent bone loss, preserve surrounding teeth, and provide a durable, natural-looking replacement makes them an invaluable investment in one’s oral and general health.


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Can dental insurance cover the full cost of dental implants?

In most cases, dental insurance will not cover the entire cost of dental implants but can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.

Are there any exclusions I should be aware of?

Yes, some policies may exclude dental implants if they’re considered a cosmetic procedure or if pre-existing conditions exist, such as extensive bone loss.

How do I find out if my insurance covers dental implants?

Reach out directly to your health insurance provider to discuss the specifics of your dental coverage, paying particular attention to any restrictions or exclusions that may apply to dental implants.


Dental implants stand out as a superior choice for filling the gaps left by missing teeth, although their price tag can raise concerns. Opting for dental insurance that includes implant coverage is instrumental in making this critical treatment both accessible and financially manageable. Selecting an appropriate insurance plan and fully grasping your coverage specifics can greatly diminish your financial outlay, guaranteeing access to the high-calibre dental care that is your right.

Acting promptly to safeguard your oral health is imperative. Postponing dental interventions can escalate into graver health complications, elevate expenses, and necessitate more comprehensive treatments later. It’s essential to address your dental health needs now to ensure a healthier, more stable oral health future. Reach out to us to discuss your options for dental implants and insurance coverage. Taking this step today can help you maintain a healthy, confident smile for years to come.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
